Thursday, January 10, 2008

More photos of Laura's Quilt


Front Porch Society said...

How cute!!! :) It looks really good and I like the rack that your husband made to display the quilt on. :)

Karen said...

Thank you, Shorty! I'm really enjoying seeing that quilt in that room, but I'm also looking forward to using that quilt rack for other quilts, too, in the future...I guess I'm kind of nutty about quilts. :-)

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

So pretty! I love the embroidery feeding the chickens!


Karen said...

Thank you, Joanne! That one always reminds me of when I "helped" my maternal grandfather with his chickens so many years ago...I was just 7 or 8, and I was fairly scared of the hens. But Grandpa let me "help" him with his chores just the same. Thanks for visiting! :-)